Initial thoughts on the Kindle Scribe

I like the idea of e-ink devices, and often think about how much I could make use of an e-ink tablet which allows writing with a stylus. The marketing hype would suggest that it’s a life changer, which seems a bit strong, since they essentially aim to perform a similar function to pen and paper. Recently I impulsively purchased a Kindle Scribe without having done much research on it. I’ve had a lot of thoughts swirling round since receiving it. Here is an attempt to put them into positive/negative categorisation.

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Self-hosting an internet archive with ArchiveBox

Last year I started using Obsidian in combination with some other tools to help with knowledge management. It’s quite common that I attempt to visit a web page to find the original content no longer exists, either as a result of the usual link-rot where websites die or get restructured, oreven due to wilful destruction of content in the case of many reddit pages, or nuking old content and domains as a result of company buy-out.

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My note-making system for this year

The problem: I’m a tab hoarder. Anything I’m working on at the moment is generally kept in an open tab in Firefox, as work in progress. Typically I have 100-200 tabs open. Once I’ve finished a personal project, I close the tabs, sometimes bookmarking them first, but not really filing away the knowledge I’ve acquired in a useful way. Even when I’m documenting work projects, I’m not sure I’ve gathered the supporting information and ideas in a structured way. I’m not sure I’ve opened any bookmarks I’ve made in the last few years. When I want information back, I might fruitlessly search my history and end up using a search from scratch to find the information again. It’s a terrible system, and I rely too much on my memory and open tabs to recall information. Another side-effect is that my thoughts get stored in memory in an unprocessed state. I’m not getting any younger, and my reliance on storing everything in my brain is not future-proof.

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Be more productive with use of your BASH history

If you spend time working in the terminal, whether for work or leisure, a lot of the commands you type often have a dependency on other recent commands, might be repetitive actions, or be very similar to other commands previously run. Gaining mastery over your shell history is a great way to be more productive in the terminal.

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A basic spell-checker for static sites

If your blog is generated with a static site generator such as Hugo or Jekyll, you might not catch spelling errors in your content. An ideal devops-style workflow should check your markdown quality and spelling automatically when pushing a commit. As a starting point, I’m going to provide an easy script to manually spell-check your markdown before committing changes.

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